Monday, February 28, 2011


What ever us graffiti writters get are hands on.we bomb it to there is no space.cops come run cause you dont what that court fine

Thursday, February 24, 2011

teachers are dumm

Teachers are so dumm deaz days.They think they know everythign cause they are teachers.we are kids and we hid hop and they are old school.lets get real

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Listen up people that read this.There is many people out here that love someone and got there heartbroken.Girls and boys may play with each other feels.You fight for what you love and do what u have to no matter what.If they let you down so be it just move or you can try your best to get her or him back.Just stand alone or with someone that care or love,there for you no matter what.In my life time girls like to play hard to get by then when you stop talking to them they say , im sorry for stop talking to you.what i can do is just keep them as friend.In my books if you fuck up im not looking back at you no more but if i care about you and have someone for you i will keep close bye.....HEARTBROKEN IS NEVER THE BEST THING..this is for the world to know how i feel.I LOVE YALL <3

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rumble for a livin

This nutt ass graffiti boul he is a PUSSY.he sscared to rumble.once u mess with someone from the hood they all riden..boul not ready.

I rep one side!!!!

This picture reps what side i am from.I live in a bad neighbor hood , thats why they call it the bad land...Like for real stuff ready go down at anytime of the day they dont care at all.We do have a lot of graffiti were we live to.We get together something and do walls or go on a route..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


This what you call people that hate on you.When u got a x or someone wrote over your name they what to fight you they got a problem.Most likely you got to go over there stuff more.

Monday, February 14, 2011


The boul that did this , he is so nice..He know how to work the can and know how use it.People like that make lots of money

Friday, February 11, 2011

Build your rep

You start as a little toy.Then u come a bigg preson when you get better and build your rep up.You always have to be on ponit with your rep cause people will hate on you and go over it..

Thursday, February 10, 2011

got heart?????

Deaz people right here named caem and drama.They was not playing they was gettn there rep one way or a other.Be sides that they did it on the 95 brige like they got that all the way.i will do they same to get my rep.

shapes = rep,team,respect

This is a one of a kind of style that a preson that been writen for a long time can do.If u put your min to it you can do anything you what to do.All you doing is put shapes to together.

rep are squad

This is how us philly people get down.We rep are squads hard and damage builds and do what we have to do to get are rep up.

Friday, February 4, 2011


This i what i do in school.Im in a media class and i love to graff things cause this is my fav thing to do.i can make mad money for this and you can get somewhere in can make money for billboard and othere things.