Monday, September 27, 2010

Met Caem

I was walking one day with mex.I was trying to get some paint but i saw my old head and he gave me some paint.I was like we going bombing tonight.He was like yea whats sup.I said i got like four cans in the crib and some fat caps.215 bad lands we bomb hard all crazy.Go hard or go home we do this for real.Caem is my nigga but he dont what to go bombing with me somethings.So when i come big.he better not ask to try to rep shit all crazy with me.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Old Head Graff's

I was riding around with mex and i had smelled paint.I was like i wat to kno were that smell coming from.So we riding up cambria and we saw Bark.Caem,Zone,Baut.Also a lot more people.I met people i never met befor.I got a can from caem and a cap.Caem needed to get some paint so he went to home depot and got some paint.He came back and told me and mex that the power was out in home depot.I was like we over there asap.We took like 21 cans,We do this for real.shout out to all my old heads.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Big Zone

One night its like eleven boul naser calls me and ask me if i wanted to go bombing with him and zone.I was like want i have to bring.He said like four cans cause we doing it big to night lol.Then zone called me and said you want me to pick you up at i said at my crib.He said i will be there at 12 clock.I was wait and they didnt call me back.I was lik fuck it im staying home.The next morning i was walking to my aunt house and i saw this i was like wtf and i couldnt belive he wrote free zeno.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

legend midnight

One midnight i was walking home from home depot because i need some paint.While i was walking i smelled paint and i was like were is that smell of paint coming from.I was looking around soo fast to see who i can met.Its was madism and the boul 4ever.The caption of  esc and that squad is all graffers.Will they had sign my blackbook for me.I was soo happy that i got two good people in my blackbook.I told them i write craz and they was like damm young boul you traching stuff all around.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hot Shot Of The Year

Yea yall kno who it is your boy craz.will this was done on 9-12-10.I was jus walking around and just felt like doing a lil something.So i wat to the crib and got the bag with all the paint and my nice caps also lol.then i went to my young boul mex crib and got him.Then we want to this lil place i know about.I met some people down there and there names was sens,tom,nere.Sens got mad lil thing goin one.Will yea it only took me one can of white to do the full in.I had to throw my nigga mex up and my girl china.Like always write free zeno because thats my nigga.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day With Zeno

The first time me and Zeno frist chilled.We was in front of my crib and i was like come on less go on route nand get some rep.He said come on and get the markers.I got four marker and from my crib we went one a route all the way down second street.That night he stayed with me at my aunt crib no homo.We went back out with cans at one clock in the morning.We routed from second and sumerset to six and huntin park.We had four cans.Then we went back home and went to sleep and called it a night.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Did It For Fun

It was like 12 in the afternoon and the cops was driving by but i didnt care.I was walking with my friend mex and he had a can.I was like can i see that real fast.He said "sure why not lol".I need a cap and then i looked in my pants pocket and i had one in there.Then i but the cap on the can.The cap was a ny fat one a rusto.But  the ny was missed up a lil but it still came out nice.The cops stop us and asked us what we was doing and we told him we bombin and then we run lolx.215 bad lands you can anything happen at any time.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bombing Truck

Me and Mex was walking one day and we found a ironlak.I was like we going to bomb this truck tonite across the street from my aunt crib.It was about two clock in the morning.I was like mex give me a cap.He gave  me a skinny ass cap grrr.Then he use a fat cap for him and I was like" YOU B****".Then he laugh at me.I said ok u what to use fat caps ok i got u.i pulled out a 24k cap and it wrote 10 times bigger then his hehe.he was mad is ever.We still bomb even if zeno booked because we throw up free zeno everywere.ABS goons on deck all crazy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Routing Night

It was like 12 clock or 1. I called my old head up to see if he wanted to go bombing. He said sure and I was like ok. "Bet, We out tonite." I had like four cans and Mex had three cans. We were getting graf everywere with the old head. People was asking me "did you really go bombing with men" and I was like yeah. I have old heads looking at me now. I just don't graff for the hell of it, I do it for real. My squad is ABS. We all bomb. If it comes down to it we have to rumble, we rumblin then. My nigga Zeno booked now, but when he come out he going to smash shit. It's not about the beef its about the rep. Im a real nigga.  I keep it 100 percent.Yeaa it's your boy Crazism ABS1 all day and gooned out.