Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Showing class's

One late night with my nigga snooze.He know how to do his hands but im showing him a lot of styles and throwies.Im showing a lot of things about graff and how it started and stuff like that.

Monday, December 20, 2010

pepsi vs mountain dew

Vote and let me know which one is better.I'm vote n for mountain dew.That is my stuff and that's all i Who u going for?

michael vick

Michael vick make that team so complete.He is doing better then there old qb.They going to make it this year and going to the super ball.

Philadelphia eagles

Will the new york gaints got there butt handed to them.We eagles are showing people that we not playing.Lets go eagles :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

just watch and learn

just watch you can learn alot.I started watching people then i went on way and now i know how to dance to and do 190s and others.

How to move your feet

To learn how to dance like this you need to learn how to move your feet to the bet.


 This the only way we can get are paint.If u scared to do it.You a fucking pussy :)


People put sayings on the side of there names to send a massage to people.Somethings they just write it to tell people not to fuck with them at all.People get very mad when you go over there name.But if you go over there squad you got beff with the whole team now.So you got to watch what you do and who you write over.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lines i get from my team

Art is not a crime.If u do it in he right way you doing the right thing.people that just bomb the streets they doing it wrong but that's a way of us getting are rep.You can get walls and do your thing but people like me like to bomb anything in my eye since.But when them cops aka boys come you better run your ass off.But not worrying  about them you bomb late and don't look like you doing something wrong.

Why Graffiti People Hate cops

The reason why we hate the cops is cause they be in the way of us getting are rep.When the caught us they dont know how to talk to us.They be very disreaspectful to us.calling us all deaz name like by race or anything that are race do.

Monday, December 6, 2010

My Flow Is To Nice

I know how to use a new york fat on a can.Some people don't know how to use it at all.If you want to be a graffiti writer you got to learn a lot.When i started i was a toy and now every one knows who i am and what i do for a living.ASK ABOUT CRAZ. IM IN YOUR AREA

We do this for real

Its like 3 30 and im at my peoples house.My boul snooze was there.We was just chilling and i told him i had a bag of paint and he said "whats sup i said its what ever".so we went outside and i ran to the wall and started my took me like 2 min top to get it done.snooze was just writing every where .

Thursday, December 2, 2010

We dance for real

This what we listen to at a party.We do a lot of styles of dance n.People be like wtf are you doing and we stay is are way of dancing.Us young kids a new school.

DJ Lumpy - Never Gets Fuckin oLd!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This is a other type of way to do something big.You don't have to use paint all you have to use is house paint  and a rollie pole.Then just go big with it.

etch marker

This is etch and it is a type of marker that eat glass and stay there.Its very hard to get off and a lot of money to replace.If u get caught with it you can do some time for it.