Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ses esc

This boul ses right here.He started a lot of beef with people he didnt know.He got in some deep stuff he even got his boul hurt and he got his head opened up.dont get it messed up he got rep but he just a trouble maker.
It was in the late 1960s when "Julio 204" began writing his "tag" all around the city of New York. Soon following Julio came a Greek youth from Manhattan named Demitrius who tagged his own "Taki183" all over the city as well. Taki also focused on writing on the subway in New York. Even though what Julio 204 and Taki 183 did in New York eventually developed into what was called by some "New York Style" graffiti, these New York writers only popularized it. [2] It is said that tagging first started in Philadelphia with the emergence of the legendary "Cornbread" and "Top Cat." Soon after the Philly development and the start of New York Graffiti, Top Cat's style started showing up in NYC and was called "Broadway Style" because of the long skinny lettering.

F*** cops

This is not to be disrespect the cops.We just write it cause of them,they be in the way of us getting are rep.Some people care about them and some just don't give a f***.

Monday, November 22, 2010

old school v.s new school

Slick L.A. - The Kool Skool Interview from The Kool Skool on Vimeo.

This video is about old school and new school.kids think graffiti is just graffiti its life and art. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Book Of Art

A black book is where everyone write there name at.You u can have every good people.like me i have boner in my book and he is very good and every where.You  can use any type of makers for this.Graffiti writers like when u state your name and they hate if you was to go over them.

Marker Rep

Makers are a other way to go on a route.A makers route is the less chance to get locked up.All rep add up and you can be come in a squad.To be is a squad you can bring any problems to it.There is a lot of colors to write with.

BillBoard rep

This is one way to get some crazy rep.Anywhere up high like billboards,the high way, and just a lot more places.to do a billboard you will need made paint to do it.To do a billboard you will to know how to get on it.You will need mad caps cause if you do have caps your not going anything.You need a cap to fill in fast and one to outline and whatever u want to use the other caps for.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brother and Sister

This is cre8.his name is funny cause is it was someone else they will spell it all the way out.He only write cre then with a 8 so yea his name is nice.Like if i was to think of a name that anyone else cant think of it will be nice.That will be my back up name.He know how to do every style of graffiti and he is the nieces one in esc squad.When he use to write people use to hate on him.He still be writing once in a while with his sister rere.His sister rere is nice and she get around all crazy.If its not with paint its with mops.

Lettering and Colors

This is the boul knave.I like how he does his letters and color's he be using some crazy colors.He be doing 1 liner letters or some crazy lettersn that other people dont do.people ask him how he get the idea of them letters.He say " i just stay in my crib and think of letter or i just start drawing


This is the graffiti your mother warned you about. This is the graffiti that hides in alleyways, sneaks up on citizens, screams from behind dark corners, lies in the shadow faking possum-like. This is the stuff graffiti abatement programs have wet dreams about.Wickeds (or "Wickets") are true DNA. Those that know Wickeds well, easily can spot out and decipher the handiwork of fellow suspects and culprits. "Wicked" is one of those words that acts both as an adjective and a noun. In fact, the origins of the word in its noun form evolved from its descriptive nature. In short, these are the exaggerated, cryptic, often elongated versions of the graffiti writer's tag.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

pink dot

I never know that a pink dot can write that fat.I had a tall boy and a new pink dot.It was in the snow time.I was out and about all crazy.people ask me how did i do that lit part in the letter R.They all so said the bottom is faded mad crazy.This is when i was only 15.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This is a new york fat on a dollar can.I didnt have one clue that is can do this all crazy.If u look real good you can see the circles in the letters.I was soo happy when i did this hand.I did a throwie and everything.A new york fat cap dick the can fast but i did throwies and hands all crazy that can last a long time.

ironlak fat cap

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Started graff

This man right here started graffiti.Now us young kids love damaging the city.If we were to get stop by the cops just run don't stop for anything cause you can do sometime.I learned graffiti from myself and started at the age of 10.Now im doing things mad big my throwies and others are so nice and crazy.I get mad paint and use it for deez street and show people who the hottest is.CRAZISM !

We do damage

Madism and 4ever is know for doing mad crazy things.4ever go to the highs build ever and he bomb he don't care at all.Madism just like doing trains and walls that he can get his hands on.

2 tone

This is what u call 2 tone.One part of it is dark and the other half is light.2 tone is so  ice to use cause u can svae paint for other things you have to do.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bigger then big

This guy name shrew he go really big.He be going with high cans and rollies bigger then ever.He use's up to a less 12 to 16 cans.Just look at this and think how big it is if u was next to it.Its like 12 feet high.He get around all crazy and doing it real big.